Advanced Products
Low-Vπ 0-20GHz X-cut Zero-chirp Compact Modulator
Vπ ~3.5-3.8V (@1GHz)BW >20GHzInsertion Loss <4dB and <3dB Versions
Dual-Parallel MZMQPSK (I/Q) modulator
(X-cut Single Drive)
Y-branch 1x2 Phase modulator
Custom Specification
Ultra-wideband (DC→65GHz→110GHz+) modulator
Long-λ (2μm) Phase & Intensity Modulators
BW >10 and 20GHzVπ<7V and Vπ<5V VersionsInsertion Loss <4dB and <3dB Available
Polarization Maintaining Splitter
Low-loss polarization maintaining splitter
Polarization Controller
Low-loss and high-speed multi-stage polarization controller useful for polarization control, polarization mode dispersion (PMD) compensation, and polarization scrambling
All specifications subject to change without notice
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